Frequently Asked Questions about Perimenopause

WARNING: Prepare to have your mind blown (don’t worry, like brain fog, it will come back to you eventually). Also, If they ever feature perimenopause on Trivial Pursuit, you’re going to crush it. #periwinklegoals

Ummm…Perimenopause starts when?

You might want to sit down for this.

The first few signs of perimenopause can start as early as your 30s, but often start in your early 40s. Your periods may start to become irregular, you might start feeling hot flashes or night sweats, brain fog, weight gain and disruptive sleep is also common. But know this—this is not something that you simply have to endure. There are strategies to overcome even the most devastating of symptoms and we’ll help you discover them.

Perimenopause is sometimes called what now?

Second puberty.

Yep, you read that correctly. But before your flashbacks turn into hot flashes, know this—just like during your teenage years, hormonal hijacking is the culprit for most perimenopause symptoms. The good news is you got through it once, you can do it again. The difference is now you have an arsenal of wisdom, experience and knowledge at the ready.

And perimenopause lasts how long?

Up to 10 years. For some women, it’s longer.

I wish we were kidding. And that's BEFORE your period actually stops.

While that may sound daunting, remember, perimenopause isn’t a death sentence—it’s a new beginning. It may be difficult at times - but we’ve been powering through from the moment we started menstruating. And we’ve learned to do it with grace, determination, and unconditional self-love (and maybe on occasion a little bit of ice cream).

Why is no one talking about perimenopause?

We wondered the same thing.

That’s why Jen wrote this amazing guide and why she launched Periwinkle—to address the giant gaping hole we noticed in the field of women’s health in their post-reproductive years.

Want to learn more?

So do we!

We’re on a mission to collect all the information you need (even if you don’t know you need it yet). Ask us a question or sign up for our email list to get the latest updates, advice and resources or join the conversation by submitting a question. We’re here for you!


PS. Wondering what the heck Perimenopause is all about? Ask your questions—big and small—here!

Ina Corver