We're not going to beat around the bush (ahem), perimenopause isn’t easy—but it can be easier.

Here are three places to start.


Jen’s new guide is your go-to, take-anywhere resource for the symptoms and stages of perimenopause and strategies, to survive (and thrive!)


How does your perimenopause experience compare with others? Take the quiz and find out!


We’re active on Facebook and Instagram. Join us there for more resources and tips and strategies!

During Perimenopause, you start to close a chapter on your reproductive journey. While bittersweet, know this: You still have the ability and time to create a beautiful, powerful, glorious life—only this time, it’s your own.
— JEN SWEENEY, Founder of Periwinkle

Welcome to Periwinkle

Everything you need to know about the stages and symptoms of perimenopause—with the support, resources, and occasional laugh you need to thrive in mid-life.

Wondering if you’re in perimenopause?

Welcome to Periwinkle.jpeg

Brain fog taking over?

Body have a mind of its own?

Everyone seem just a bit more annoying than usual?

Feeling hotter than ever—and not in the cool way?

Welcome to the wonderfully wild world of perimenopause.

(or fantastically fresh hell, depending on the day)

Perimenopause affects millions of women physically, mentally, and emotionally— yet so many of these symptoms are either overlooked or misunderstood by both women and their clinicians.

For far too long we’ve been told perimenopause is a time to dread with no real understanding of what to expect—or how to make the most of it.

Our moms didn’t talk about it.

Our friends don’t know much.

Most of our doctors are out of the loop.

And we want to change that. 


The time of life so many of us curse gets a resource you’ll swear by.

Periwinkle is a movement that is helping spark critical changes in the support systems surrounding women in perimenopause.

Our goal: To help build a world where women celebrate (and clinicians support) perimenopause as a powerful phase of life and sexual health.

Launched by passionate health care advocate and perimenopause author Jen Sweeney, Periwinkle gathers resources, experts, advice, and stories from women like you to create a space where women and providers alike can learn, ask questions, laugh, and experience all that perimenopause has to offer—and it’s not all bad!

We promise.


“For those looking to alleviate the ‘baby fever’ menopause symptom, I have two middle schoolers I’m willing to lend you. Works like a charm for me!”

Get more real-life advice like this!

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Perimenopause happens to every woman, if we’re lucky.

Your body is constantly changing—it’s time to change your mindset, too.

While it may be difficult to think of perimenopause as something you get to do—things could be worse.

Here’s your chance to share your experiences —and help us provide the resources and support you need to thrive through midlife and beyond!.


Not a fan of perimenopause symptoms (and everything that comes with them)?
